From the winter weather, it might seem strange to discuss The Sun; however, as well as being a symbol of summer and good weather, it is also a powerful symbol to be revered as a life force and cosmic power. Often, the Sun is associated with vitality, enlightenment, birth and regeneration, making it a perfect starting place for the New Year.
In Japan and American/Indian Tribes, the Sun is considered female, but by and large, throughout history and culture, the Sun is seen as a male energy. The Sun is often depicted with a dual personality: one of passion, youth, royalty, and a fertilising force, but also as something with a great capacity for fire and destruction.
Here, we take a look at some legends and Gods associated with the Sun:
Apollo was of course, a Greek God who was associated with Helios (the God who drove the Sun’s chariot across the sky). Usually, Apollo is depicted as youthful and blonde, and as providing a life-giving light to Earth.
Khepri is perhaps not as well known, but was an Egyptian God of the rising Sun. Often, a drawing will depict a scarab beetle and the Sun. It is considered a lucky talisman to many, and is associated with new life.
Many of us will know the story of Icarus, who despite his father’s warnings, made wings so that he may fly – but got too near to the sun, resulting in melted wings and a fall from the heavens, so to speak. His story is supposed to symbolise a downfall for having little respect for the Gods.
Phaeton is actually Helios’ (as mentioned under Apollo) son. He is said to have driven the chariot in a reckless manner, and so was punished by Zeus – who threw a lightning bolt – striking him dead!
One of the most known symbols is that of the Phoenix, and eagle-like bird, often seen rising from the ashes or flames. It is again a story of death, re-birth and the Sun.
Rahu was an Indian daemon; he is often pictured with no body and an inflated face – from having swallowed the Sun! His action was thought to cause eclipses. The Sun, would of course, reappear again, having no body – meant that Rahu could never contain the Sun.
As you will see from Surya, chariots and the Sun seem to go together. In this case, this Vedic God, chariot was pulled by seven horses. This SGod’s message was of dying in flames (sunset); but then experiencing re-birth (sunrise); with a meaning of immortality.