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You might normally excel at getting 'yes' nods from others, but today, strong-arming your way is not the way to go. So, slow down and talk things through with whoever you want on board. Sure, it might delay things, but imagine when you and someone are finally on the same page. That victory will be truly sweet, especially if you know diplomacy and sensitivity made it happen.


Today, you're a magnet, but not the kind that draws everything shiny and pleasant. Are you trying to sync with someone whose moral compass leaves much to be desired? It'll drain you faster than a Netflix binge. Even with your tribe, expectations are high, and delivery is low. If you sense that you and others aren't on the same page and seem to be on different planets, just step back briefly.


Heroics aren't always needed, and today, they might boomerang back with a guilt trip. Step back, breathe and let everyone sort themselves out. If you stepped up to the plate to help anyone, then great. But don't turn martyr and accuse anyone of taking advantage of your generosity and time. Be there for those who truly need you. Trust creating space with those who don't helps you and them.


Hmmm, your X-ray vision may be on the fritz today. The Moon and Pluto are playing dirty, making it hard to see who's real and who's a hologram. Just because you're an open book doesn't mean everyone else is. So, avoid touchy subjects. Do some solo sleuthing and come up with smart, slick questions to corner the truth without scaring it off.


Hey, Leo, retract those claws! A situation might feel very 'off' but you may be reading it like a tabloid. Jumping to conclusions or tossing wild accusations are recipes for a drama explosion. So, keep your cool, bite your tongue and watch any scene unfold before you decide who needs a royal roasting or to take dramatic action.


You're a perfectionist gem, and today's the day to remember that deadlines exist for a reason. Tinkering with details while the clock's ticking? Hmmm. Bad move. Your knack for precision is gold, but don't let it turn into an obsession. If you're behind, shout it out. Team up and whip out Plan B. Getting something done is more important than striving to achieve a perfection illusion.


Whoooaaa, loosen your grip on the reins! Being a dictator will only fuel suspicions and tension. Share a spotlight and let your crew pitch in. Their input might be the fuel that helps bring your vision to fruition. Don't rule out how brainstorming or pairing up can build bridges and fire up collective creativity. With both, something spectacular can be created or accomplished.


Your trust is unwavering, but don't go spilling your wildest dreams to your inner circle today. The Moon and your ruling planet, Pluto, could make others more suspicious and protective than a mama bear. Their doubts or worries could seriously kill your buzz. Find people who aren't tied up in your success to bounce ideas off. Keep your dream alive without inviting doom and gloom.


A certain feline got into a nasty situation because of curiosity. So, try to dial back an enhanced intense desire to dig, probe, research or interrogate. The Moon and Pluto stir the pot, and digging might unearth a landmine. Keep your advice holstered unless explicitly asked for. Step back and channel your energy into what inspires and excites you in your world.


No, Capricorn, it's not in your head-some people are acting like entitled brats. The Moon's shadow dancing with Pluto and this combo could have others showing their worst sides. Don't take their crap personally. Their bad mood? That's all about them, not you. So, dig deep for patience and try to cut everyone some slack. We all have our off days.


Heads up, power plays lie ahead! The Moon and Pluto are squaring up to each other, stirring control freaks and those who don't yet know that's what they are into a frenzy. Don't burn your energy, but don't just roll over, either. Step back and let the chaos prove your worth. Don't vanish completely; stay present and watch. You'll soon spot an advantageous position when it presents itself.


Today's clash between the Moon and Pluto could scramble your usually spot-on radar. People seem shady, but this could be one of those rare times when you misjudge appearances. Wait for the fog to clear before drawing any conclusions or making any moves. Don't try to assemble a puzzle strewn across a room when the arrival of factual info can do the job for you.

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