What to expect during a psychic reading

If you have not had a psychic reading or a medium reading before or perhaps haven't had a telephone psychic reading; then you may be asking yourself what should I expect the experience to be like?
Well, firstly do not let the telephone put you off; a good psychic can make a connection with you during your reading without meeting with you in person. You can select a quiet time that suits you without interruptions or distractions. Psychic readings over the telephone often have the advantage that people are more easily able to open up without having to face someone.
Psychic readings have many communications channels going, a reader may be listening to their spirit guides and conveying things to you, but equally the psychic needs to hear from you. Prepare in advance so you know exactly what you want to ask; having your questions ready will ensure that the conversation flows well and that you finish the reading having got answers to the questions that are most important to you.
When you are new to psychic readers or perhaps are changing your reader, it is tempting to hold some information back or not be truthful about things in order to test how good their validations are. However this can be counter productive; you need to build a good rapport with your psychic and part of the process is learning to trust each other. You will quickly see how valid and authentic their responses are.
There are many different types of reading available to you; and this will determine what the reading is like. If for example you pick a tarot card reader then you will be asked to select cards and the psychic will do a spread for you and interpret the cards from there. If you choose a medium reading then it is likely that you are trying to make contact with someone who has passed over and so the psychic will normally draw on their spirit guides to make contact. Or it maybe that you would like to speak to a clairvoyant, so that you can ask specific questions about your future and gather thoughts on decisions you should make in your life. Many of our psychics use a whole range of skills in addition to their natural intuition and psychic abilities to aid in their readings for example, angel cards, aura readings, crystals, rune stones, astrology and so on. To help you choose the right reader for your circumstances and to select one that practises the method that you like each of them is profiled on our Elite Readers page.
You can ask questions on more or less any topic, relationships are top of the list for many people followed by career decisions, money and so on. The best way to have a really good reading is to ask your psychic some really specific questions. For example often someone will ask something like “am I with the right person”, but what they should ask is something like “my partner and I seem to be growing apart, we don’t seem to have as much in common anymore – can we bridge this gap?”
Expectations can run very high for what a psychic reading can offer; but it is important to remember that whilst the reader can show the different paths your life may take, they cannot make the decisions for you. They are there to act as guides, to give you better insight into your circumstances so that you can make the right decisions for you. It is also important to note that everyone has free will – this means that nothing for the future is set in stone. The reading you have will reflect the situation you are in that day with the decisions you have made and the likely outcomes. But you can change your mind and direction and that in turn can alter your future path.