You might sometimes hear this crystal referred to as Celestine; they come in blue, yellow, red and white colours. This crystal is often sold in large geode clusters and sometimes in a pyramid shape – they can be expensive, although; they are easy to obtain due to them; being mined in many places from Britain to Egypt, Libya, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru and Poland. This crystal can appear translucent, depending on the light – it can fade in colour; and, as such, should never be placed in direct sunlight around your home or person.
Spiritual Enlightenment
The Celestite crystal has a high vibration and is teaming with divine energy, so it is attractive to anyone beginning their spiritual journey and those that seek to connect with angelic realms; to encourage dream recollections, clairvoyant communications and enlightenment in general. Due to its high-frequency vibrations, many will also choose this crystal for scrying.
This crystal is also helpful as a healing stone; many turn to it for bringing love into their life; and for dissolving away pain; physical and mental. If you are suffering feelings of anxiety, as if your fight or flight mode is in action all of the time – then you may find this gem provides a calming influence and helps you to release tension. Celestite also works alongside other crystals very well, combining it with other blue stones for throat chakra work and for enhancing communication and; paired with rose quartz to enhance love in all facets. Large geode-style; crystals; can be; placed around your home, and smaller gems are ideal for meditation.
Celestite Qualities
Celestite is a fantastic crystal to work with if you want to feel more open to new experiences. It also promotes clarity and a sharp mind – great if you are learning a new task. This gem is helpful for arts and crafts, so take it to a new hobby.
From a relationship perspective, utilise Celestite for bringing forth communication; you should find; you are more able to explain your position and appreciate others’ perspectives – brokering peaceful solutions that suit all parties.
When you need to feel more harmonious in mind, body and soul, turn to Celestite to create deep and peaceful feelings and let go of stress.