I’m starting with a more unusual suggestion for crystal healing today; in the form of; Boji Stones. As you can see from the pictures, these stones usually have a brown tone, although you may also find them in blue. If you select a smooth stone, it may be almost metallic in style; these are considered feminine energy. A square stone, or one; with a more jagged edge, is considered masculine in energy. They are sourced from Britain and the USA but are on the more difficult; end of the scale to find.
Boji Qualities
Boji is incredibly useful as a grounding stone, returning you to Earth, so to speak, after spiritual work, and also for bringing you back into present times – when you dwell on the past or worry about the future.
As you might expect from the fact that different stones have male or female energy, Boji is a balancer of this dynamic in our minds and bodies. When you are experiencing a push-me, pull-me effect, and your heart and head are not always aligned, you can utilise this stone to harmonise your thoughts and formulate a way forward.
This stone can also be helpful for working with blockages; this might be an emotional blockage or a past hurt that is stopping you from making decisions today. If you are having negative thoughts; around a particular topic or person, or are standing still for fear of repeating mistakes or making the wrong decisions – then utilising Boji in your healing rituals can help you to work through impasses.
Boji is useful when your overall energy is low, your chakras are misaligned, or your aura needs work. If you need to feel more in touch with spiritual vibrations, then; holding this stone during meditation work should help your connection. If you physically feel an ailment, whether it is a strain or pain, or literally a broken heart – then try to spend ten minutes per day holding the stone over the pain point with your hand.
These stones will stimulate the renewed flow of energy; through your body, but it is important to remember that no stone is magic – you must put in the work; to make changes. Boji will support you as you confront the issues, and it will help you to release the pain and see life’s lessons as more of a blessing than a curse.