There is nothing worse than arguing with your partner; sometimes, it is one of those silly rows over something mundane, like whose turn it is to empty the dishwasher. But, other times – it is an all-out slanging match over something significant! Either way, have you ever stopped to think about how a person’s Zodiac Sign might influence; the way they behave during a squabble?
Read on as we delve into each zodiac sign’s argument style…
Aries is, of course, a zodiac fire sign, and so they often have a temper. They can be quite dramatic when a spat ensues, hanging up the phone or slamming doors. No matter what the initial argument is about, they will use the opportunity to air their grievances. A partner; may, for a long time, avoid an argument at all costs. But, now and again – the blow-out might be worth it, as all sides get things out in the open so the air can be cleared.
As you know, Taureans are stubborn! As such, you can expect that in an argument – they will dig their heels in. No amount of talking and reasoning; is likely, to change their minds on the topic. Annoyingly, they are often; cool as cucumbers in these situations. They will tolerate a certain amount of commentary and insults. But Taurus have their breaking point, and they will let you know when you have crossed the line!
Those in relationships with Gemini know that there is the possibility of any discussion suddenly taking a turn into an argument. Geminis can’t help themselves, and they have to win, especially when it is a battle of words. This sign usually burns itself out; if they are left, to extensively make their points. Partners that can keep their replies short and sweet are more likely to get a begrudging acknowledgement from Gemini that they have a point!
The Cancer zodiac sign tends to have trouble letting things go. So, in a tiff, you can expect to go around and around, talking, talking and getting nowhere. Just when you think you’ve called a halt to the disagreement; and reached a truce – Cancer starts again! After a lot of low-level bickering, things are likely, to reach a crescendo. The best advice is to let Cancerians have the last word, to call an end to tit-for-tat.
Leos are fiery individuals at the best of times, but oddly they are not passionate about quarrelling and will try to avoid it if they can. Partners are often frustrated by Leos ever constant motion, as it can be hard to make them sit down and listen and talk any issues through. Leos are very slippery when they have cottoned on to the fact; a partner wishes to discuss an important matter. They will take evasive action – changing the subject, focusing on fun, or even flat-out refusing to talk!
Arguing with a Virgo can be very frustrating! Virgos can seem very logical, and they are ready and willing to show the errors in your arguments. But whilst their thought process might be logical, their behaviour may be lacking rationality. They are not above, sticking their fingers in their ears and saying ‘no’, as a signal they have heard enough and will not entertain any more conversation. Virgos do not forget or forgive easily, so be careful what you say in the heat of the moment.
Librans can be judgemental, but they also have a way of seeing all sides of a story. So much so that partners may question part way through a dispute if they are even needed – as Libra process all sides of the equation. A Libra is unlikely to respond to shrieking, irrational or emotional points of view. But, at the end of the day; Libra will want the issues resolved, and they will look; for a solution; that is equitable to both sides.
A Scorpio will rarely start an argument, but once they are in it – they are in it to win! Most partners will learn over time; that arguments are probably best avoided with a Scorpio, as frustrating as that might be. As the relationship will struggle to get back on an even footing; from the emotional fall-out, following a row. Try for a discussion, and not a squabble; inserting humour into the conversation can be a fail-safe way of keeping things lighter.
You will often regret bringing up a point of discussion with a Sag, and this is because the topic will feel like it has been discussed, for hours, days and weeks – and that’s because it has! They will get their thoughts and feelings across to you, no matter what it takes – thinking of new points of view long after the quarrel has ended. They think this is helpful, but their partners rarely do!
Capricorns are another stubborn zodiac sign, and this shows; when they are in a dispute, they will not back down! Luckily, this state of affairs does not last, they don’t like loose ends, so in the coming days, they will listen with less confrontation; until a compromise can be reached. Caps respond to calm points of view; they want to be able to question you and then ask questions etc. so, a slanging match; is never going to get the job done.
Anyone in a relationship with an Aquarian will know that things can escalate quickly. This zodiac sign is easily irritated, and they are not always logical in an argument. What gets said, wounds both parties, and resolutions are rarely achieved, in a heated dispute. Generally, the best course of action is to avoid quarrels altogether; whilst it might seem passive-aggressive, writing down a grievance – might get a more tempered response.
Argue with a Pisces at your peril. It will be long, drawn-out and messy – both parties will leave upset and exhausted, and it will likely taint things for several weeks. Pisces are obstinate when in a tiff; knowing you are unlikely to be able to reason with them is half the battle. You may need to drop in short remarks here and there; to get a point of discussion under the radar. If you see a conversation veering into dangerous territory, it may be best; to remove yourself from the situation.