Dandelions – now, most people’s first thoughts when it comes to these plants are ones of annoying weeds that pop up in perfectly manicured lawns and borders. But I am here to tell you all to fret not, next time you see one, or even better, see a whole lawn of them!
Honestly, over the past couple of years, dandelions have become one of, if not my favourite plants, to use spiritually and magically. They have many uses and benefits to health, healing, cleansing and spiritual meaning; it’s hard to know where to start, so let’s go with the obvious one.
I’m sure everyone reading this has picked a dandelion head, blown it and made a wish; this is the basis of the dandelion’s magic and where its spiritual meaning stems. But, first things first, can you believe that dandelions originated and evolved 30 million years ago? Some variation of the dandelion has been consumed and used for healing and spiritual purposes for as long as recorded history exists!
Spiritual Meanings of Dandelion
The entire dandelion plant has a great range of spiritual meanings and uses. Of course, it is one of the most popular plants aligned with granting wishes. It is also associated with manifesting and endurance through crisis, as it can pop up and thrive almost anywhere, against all odds.
Other spiritual associations include creativity, inspiration, courage and bravery, divination, dispelling negative energy, banishment, increasing psychic abilities (especially when consumed), prophetic dreams, growth and transformation.
The plant is associated with the deities Brigid, Aphrodite, Hecate and any Sun Deity. It is also associated with the element of Air and the planet Jupiter.
A great way to incorporate dandelion into your everyday spiritual practice; is to sip fresh tea. Dandelion tea can be made either from purchased teabags (Clipper Organic Dandelion is my favourite) or simply by plucking some dandelion leaves from your garden and pouring hot water over them. Another way to enjoy dandelions is to allow a few seeds to plant themselves with your other house plants. You will be surprised where they can pop up and thrive!
Medicinal uses of Dandelion
Aside from its spiritual uses, dandelion also has a myriad of medicinal uses. It is high in vitamins A, C and K and is packed full of antioxidants. Dandelion is also a diuretic, which means it is the master cleanser for kidney and liver health. Bitter foods such as dandelion activate the liver, gall bladder and kidneys naturally, which activates and cleanses them. The best thing is that the entire dandelion plant is edible (if a little bitter). The roots and leaves are best brewed in tea, whereas the flowers and leaves can be used in salads, stir fry’s and as a pretty garnish.
Here are some of the other health benefits of dandelions:
- May help kidney stones
- Helps to reduce bloating
- Reduces inflammation
- Boosts the immune system
- May help reduce cholesterol
- Dandelion is antiviral and antibacterial
- Aids digestion and the stomach in general
- May support regulating blood sugar levels
- The milky sap from the stem may help remove warts
- Can assist with skin problems such as acne and eczema
- The plant contains moderate amounts of calcium, potassium, iron and manganese
Overall, I’m sure you can now see why dandelion is one of my favourite plants.
Fun Dandelion Facts
- The name dandelion comes from the French “dent-de-lion” which translates to “lion’s tooth”. Funnily enough, the French word for dandelion at the moment is “pissenlit”, which translates to “wet the bed”. There is also an old English folk name which is “pissabeds”.
- You can make both beer and wine from dandelions. Beer is generally made from the leaves and wine is made from the flowers. Some people will make root beer with dandelion root in it.
- Many dandelions reproduce asexually, without the seeds needing pollination. This means that the offspring of a plant is genetically identical to the parent plant.
- The fact that dandelions flower abundantly and early makes them an extremely important; early spring nectar source for lots of wild pollinators.
- Seeds of a dandelion will remain viable for years. A study has proven that a seed could still germinate after nine years of storage.
- A single dandelion plant can make more than 5000 seeds a year. Each flower it produces will produce between 50 and 175 seeds.
- You can make an excellent plant dye out of dandelions. The flowers make a lovely pale yellow, and it’s possible to use the inner ribs of the leaves to produce a semi-purple dye.
I hope you enjoyed this Dandelion article and that you might brew yourself a cup of tea as you read the rest of the magazine – Enjoy!
Best wishes, Sarah – PIN: 9888