Past Lives - Psychic Sight Blog

Past Lives

Past Lives Reincarnation Believing in past lives or reincarnation is where you feel that the essence of someone or their soul is born again into a different body. Many cultures and religions like Tibetan Monks, ancient Greeks, Sufis, Norse Intuit, Hindus, Native Americans as well as modern day spiritualists all believe in reincarnation. Although the way they describe the essence differs from soul to spirit, to chi, divine essence or even higher self – but the common theme is that this essence is born again following death.

If you explore the Buddhist belief a little further you realise that they do not believe in an eternal soul reincarnating but more that a universal energy takes on a new form. However Pagans and those who follow esoteric and mystical philosophies believe that the soul must pass through a spiritual dimension in order for it to travel from one life to another. Ultimately this belief is that our future lives are connecting to our past lives and that we must have had a past life in the first place to make this so.

Karma (from the Sanskrit word for action), is closely linked to reincarnation – the connection between how we behave in one life will have an impact on the next life, in a process where both good and bad are put into motion and there will be consequences from moment to moment.

Having said that everybody still has free will; Rudolf Steiner – Anthroposophy founder believed that we would gain insight and experience after every incarnation and that as a result the future and the past are constantly in conflict with one another. In between the events of the past and what will come of the future is the space for individual’s free will to make choices thereby creating their own destiny.

Past-life Therapies have grown in popularity; allowing individuals to explore their past stories to provide clues as to why they are having problems in their current lives. These therapies fall into three main categories:

Past-life regression – Therapists usually use hypnotherapy, bodywork or guided imagery to activate past memories in the client. It can be helpful in resolving emotional or psychological problems and clients can be healed by using ‘reframing’ methods.

Life-between-lives regression is where a therapist regresses an individual to the place between two lives in order to reconnect the soul, spirit or divine essence in the interlife. Assisted by spirit guides clients can plan their next life and choose past strengths to help improve their current life.

Past-life reading – A therapist or reader will concentrate on one past life, one period of time in that life or move through several lives. All the time stopping at important events. Blockages that are found can be resolved and emotional issues can be tackled to enable the person to have a better journey in their current life.

If you are interested in a past-life reading then you may consider having a call with Alice (6543), Ellie (1180), Mariah (1881), Solomon (1719) or Bobbie (2626) all of whom have an interest and experience in this area.

Ref: The Encyclopaedia of Mind Body Spirit


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