Sandra's Profile
PIN: 2662

I am a self-taught Tarot reader and also a natural clairvoyant medium. I have had many spiritual experiences in my life. From a young age I have been interested in ghosts and spirits, and I have been blessed to have been able to write for quite a few magazines on these topics and other psychic areas. I have also had a show on two different radio stations.
I enjoy giving guidance and passing messages on from Spirit. I believe we all have a blue print for our lives where we can either follow what was planned for us or take the scenic route with all its pitfalls and unexpected events. It is when these unexpected events occur that we most need guidance. Come to me at these times and I will support you in seeing a way forward.
People tend to ask specific questions which are important to that person – this is a good route to a great psychic reading, the more specific the questions the more direct I can be with answers.
I believe that the path of life is short, so we should make the most of our lives with love and guidance. It is my belief that when we pass over we go into another world that enables us to always be in contact with our family and friends in this world.